
Walmart winter haven
Walmart winter haven

The best way to get specific information about seasonal hours of business for Walmart Cypress Gardens Boulevard, Winter Haven, FL is to go to the official homepage, or phone the direct line at 8632995527. The updates are applicable to Christmas, New Year's Day, Good Friday or Black Friday. Please take into account that the holiday season may cause restrictions to the usual business times for Walmart in Cypress Gardens Boulevard, Winter Haven, FL. The list of all Walmart locations near Winter Haven can be seen here. Today, Walmart has 2 grocery stores in Winter Haven, Florida. Walmart Locations Nearby Winter Haven, FL Within a short walk you can discover Winter Haven Senior High School, Brigham School, Denison Junior High School, Central Park, Winter Haven Hospital, Lake Roy Park, Rotary Park, Oakland Cemetery and Winter Haven Public Library. Patrons can catch the train to Winter Haven Station (4850 ft) and Winter Haven Amtrak Station (4860 ft away). By busīuses can be caught from Walmart At Cypr Grdns & 4th Street Se.

#Walmart winter haven drivers#

Only a 1 minute drive time from Oakview Circle Southeast, Avenue O Southeast, Piedmont Drive Southeast and 5th Street Southeast a 4 minute drive from 3rd Street Southwest, 1st Street South or US-17 and a 9 minute trip from Avenue D Northwest or Old Nine Foot Road (Fl-540).įor drivers planning on using GPS navigators to get to this location use this address: 355 Cypress Gardens Boulevard, Winter Haven, FL 33880. Walmart Supercenter is situated in a convenient place not far from the intersection of 4th Street Southeast and Cypress Gardens Boulevard, in Winter Haven, Florida, at Colonial Promenade. To summarize this all, the job is great if you can suspend any brain function for 3-4 days a week, but if you cant, you'll contribute to the insane turnover rate.Getting Here - Cypress Gardens Boulevard, Winter Haven Management expects more than what is necessary, even if they continue to tell you otherwise. There is a reason why this job has the highest turnover rate in Walmart D.C.'s.

walmart winter haven

Managers and coworkers will never appreciate your good work, but only tell you how you f'ed up.

walmart winter haven

I underestimated how a silly number screwed with my psych so much. It is challenging to keep to this, and even though most including myself keep above it, it also causes you to feel and act horribly when you are not up to the goal. There are many ways in which you can fail to meet this and still keep your job, but there are also ways in which this system is not good (for me). If you can handle enough stress to kill an elephant, than congratulations, this may be your job! As a last example, there is a percentage that you are needing to keep to. Why are order fillers paid so much? Because from the moment you get up on a work day, you are expected to be closing in on perfection. The problem with this is that it is extremely overwhelming to constantly be under stress. Another example is how everybody (including coworkers) want you to do better and challenge/help you to do so. This small amount of your week is not to be underestimated though, because on off days, it is a struggle to do any physical activities.

walmart winter haven

For example, you only have to work 3-4 days a week! Usually for 8 hours or less. However, for every great experience or cool thing about the job Walmart tells you about, there is a massive downside to it all. To start off, really anybody physically can work here, no matter how terribly out of shape you think you are, or how old and beaten up you actually are! With that out of the way, the job really isn't that skilled and only takes a month or so to get used to (Mentally and Physically).

Walmart winter haven